Friday, September 28, 2007

Exam Part 3 & 4

This is a picture of them catching the Bastille on fire. In the top right of the picture there is smoke coming up from the building because there is a fire. Down at the bottom there are the people that are fighting with cannons and weapons. There are also people that are trying to put out the fire with water so that is why they smoke is so black.

All of these pictures all have to do with the
French Revolution. They all have guns and and
they are all fighting something. In every
picture there is horses.

Exam part 2 (pic)

This is a painting that someone drew of the Tennis Court Oath. The painting is gold and there is someone right in the middle holding up a light. Everyone that is on the side is putting there hands into the middle towards where the guy is standing. Also, in the top left and right corners there are people standing out the windows looking downward at the guy.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Exam Part 1

This is a picture of Louis XVI getting executed. There are 3 people up on the platform and one of the guys on the right is holding something over the crowd. There are people standing
there with white overalls on with three horses in the crowd. There are two bulidings in the background that have pillars in front of it. There all have there hands up in the air waiting for for Louis to get executed.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Industrail Revolutionn.

This is a picture if the Industrial Revolution.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Im changing my topic.

Ok. I am changing my topic to Child Slavery in West Africa. I am still doing a powerpoint though. I couldn't find any info on my other topic!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Global Slavery =(

I want to do child slavery in the 1800's. I am going show that by doing a powerpoint.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

First Day <33

yeah we just got done deciding what we wanted as our background. I am kinda confused.. on what to do. but i will get the hang of it!!