Thursday, December 20, 2007

Exam 5 Essay

Mao was the guy that was in charge of everthing. He was the head person of China. Everyone has to listen to what he is talking about.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Exam 4 -- Part 1

Exam Part 1--Pablo Picasso's Art--

Pablo Picasso's art is a work of art. Propaganda tries to convince people that you are right. Pablo Picasso made this painting to show that the war was a tragedy. Art is something that you just throw down on paper and shows what you are thinking and feeling at the time that you are doing it.

This picture shows tragedy by showing killing. There is a guy in the painting holding knife that is broken. The peoples necks are tilted so that there mouth is in the air looking upwards. The horse looks like it was just about to get slashed with a knife and was about to fall the the ground. The three details show tragedy because they show agony.

The bombing of Guernica in Spain happened during the Spanish Civil War. Hitler and Germany were the ones that had dropped the bombs on Spain. The lower class people were the ones that had gotten bombed. Germany was trying prove to Spain that they were the better people. The bombing of Spain was a very tragic moment.