Thursday, June 12, 2008

Essay #4

What if the Boston Tea Party never happened? The British dumped over 300 barrels of tea over the side of the boat. The people should of been guarding the boat better because if they did then something like that didn't have to happen. The Tea Party happened in 1773 and this all happened because the colonists refused to pay to Townsend acts and wanted to protest. They didn't want to sell the tea so they had it out on the boat and the British got a hold of it and threw it off. The Boston Tea Party made people very angry because all the tea was gone and it was all in the water now.

What if they didn't dumb the tea over the edge? If they didn't do this then the war that followed afterwards would have never taken place. If the defenders of the boat were more organized and knew what was going on then this wouldn't of happen. They didn't keep their guard and they let them on. Throwing the tea over made them realize what they had done and there was nothing that they could do about it. All of the tea that they were going to sell, they never got to because they had to let them throw it over. They're was a huge fight that happened after all of this because they were angry.

This event is important today because now the defense is getting trained better and people are understanding how to control something. If they didn't throw over the tea the fight wouldn't of occurred. Today would be different because people would be more aware of what is happening and also that defense would pay attention and learn how to fight and how to protect something. This made everyone think twice about what was happening and how to fix and people had heads up.

Essay #2

War is becoming a unnecessary example of human fault. People are beginning to become way to greedy and stubborn and just keep on sending more and more people out to fight when they could be coming up with a solution on how they can actually end it. All of the wars that have happened have last like forever and they just need to learn when to end and and try to stop what is going on. Wars happen because they are fighting for something and are trying their hardest to get it, but it just takes a while to do. I think that everything that they are doing they are doing for a reason, I just wish that it wasn't taking so long for them to do it.

War I think is necessary because you are fighting to get something, I just think that it shouldn't take as long as it is doing. Some people think that fighting is a big joke and war is, but it really isn't. War has it's good and bad sides but everything they are doing is for a reason, they are fighting for the freedom of our country and are making it so much easier on people that are at home. The soldiers have to a duty that they have to fulfill and do what they gotta do to win this war.

The war that is going on in Iraq has been happening for quite some time now. I think that they need to understand what is going on and stop sending out as many people that they are because the more they are sending out the harder it is for everyone that is home, that are related to them and what is happening to them. If they came up with a conclusion and realized what what actually happening out there then it would have ended a while ago. But I have no say in these because I have no clue what happens out there, all I know is that people have been coming and going and coming back a different person then they were. The war has been going on for too long now and someone needs to stop it.