Thursday, December 20, 2007

Exam 5 Essay

Mao was the guy that was in charge of everthing. He was the head person of China. Everyone has to listen to what he is talking about.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Exam 4 -- Part 1

Exam Part 1--Pablo Picasso's Art--

Pablo Picasso's art is a work of art. Propaganda tries to convince people that you are right. Pablo Picasso made this painting to show that the war was a tragedy. Art is something that you just throw down on paper and shows what you are thinking and feeling at the time that you are doing it.

This picture shows tragedy by showing killing. There is a guy in the painting holding knife that is broken. The peoples necks are tilted so that there mouth is in the air looking upwards. The horse looks like it was just about to get slashed with a knife and was about to fall the the ground. The three details show tragedy because they show agony.

The bombing of Guernica in Spain happened during the Spanish Civil War. Hitler and Germany were the ones that had dropped the bombs on Spain. The lower class people were the ones that had gotten bombed. Germany was trying prove to Spain that they were the better people. The bombing of Spain was a very tragic moment.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Battle of Stalingrad

1. What does Joseph Stalin's advice to the people of Stalingrad say about him as a leader? Is he a bad leader because he doesn't care about people and he just wants to win

2. Explain why Hitler would react in the way shown after signing a Non-Aggression Pact with Stalin?
Hitler stated "I've got them!" after the non-aggression pact was signed and then 3 years later Germans carpet bombed the city of Stalingard. So I think Hitler had a idea of what he was going to do before he did it.

3. Explain the significance of propaganda in this battle, using examples from the posters.
The posters depict how much Hitler and Third Reich were hated. Some of the posters had pictures of swords going through giant monsters with captions such as "Kill the German Beast" or "Death to the fascist monster."

4. What do the extremes of the war reveal about what it takes to win a total war?
They have to do what it takes to win even if it includes having people in the city starving, and having to take on cannibalism. They had to bring out snipers to kill the German officers.

5. How does the story of Vasily Zaitsev relate to the war in Iraq?
I don't really think that the story relates to the Iraq war other than it is a war.

6. In times of crisis, sometimes heroic figures emerge. Which figure emerged in a similar way to Vasily after the terrorist attacks of 9/11?
In the 9/11 attacks many heroic figures emerged, such as, doctors, police men, fire men, the Army, Navy, Marines (etc.)

Monday, October 29, 2007

Local History

I am going to be doing the Bears One Stop in Newport, Maine in essay form.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Exam Part 2

[his.]The Colombian Exchange transformed the world in a more radical (favoring drastic political, economic, or social reforms) way than any other development in world history. One significant effect of this process (the action of going forward or on) was the establishment of the Triangle Trade. While many factors were a part of the Triangle Trade, the rapid growth in both supply and demand for new commodities was the largest moivating element. This time period may be best associated (to connect or bring into relation, as thought, feeling, memory, etc) with economic developments, but it is impossible to analyze (to examine critically, so as to bring out the essential elements or give the essence of) this period without considering the intense social impact that the Triangle Trade had on those involved. In truth, a full understanding can only be gained by appreciating (to be grateful or thankful for) how economic and social factors (element) One that actively contributes to an accomplishment, result, or process impact each other in history.

[mine.]The colombian exchange has changed the world understandable way than any other development in world history. One of the effects of this process was the establishment of the triangle trade which was trading between 3 different places for either food or slaves. Supply and demand which is when the supply is high the demand is low and when the demand is high the supply is low for new commodities, an article of trade or commerce was the largest thing happening around there. It can be associated with economis developments, it is impossible for examine this time period without considering the social impact that that triangle trade had in those that are involved. A full understanding can only be gained by appreciating how economic and social elemends. This is how they impact each other in history.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Book Portfolio

Book Portfolio
Nicole Pedone
Once There Was a War

In this book Once There Was a War written by John Steinbeck is about the World War II in diary format. It was written in the mid 1900’s. The genre is historical fiction. A soldier tells about what is going on while he is there. The theme has to do with the soldier and the diary entries that he has written down. It explains what was going on in great details.

John Steinbeck writes all the diary entries. He would explain what was going through his head. He was too interested in the girls and looking at dirty books about them. He would then have nightmares about his family being tortured to death, which really isn’t a good thing to be thinking about while you are at war. All he can think about is his girl that is back home. He writes many diary entries so that we know exactly what is going on. I think that he does a good job explaining what is going on, so that we know what is happening.

Everyone writes about what is going on in their lives, just like John Steinbeck does in his books. We usually write them when we are little about what is going on in our lives. I wouldn’t really know what is going on while they are at war because obviously I ain’t there. So I think that it is a good idea for them to write about what is happening so that young users like us so we can tell what is happening if we ever want to go into the war. They can have a heads up for is going to be going on and what may cross there minds. I may want to go into the army so this gives me an idea what it is going to be about.

These characters in this book are very believable. I can't believe what they are talking about. My uncle was in the war and some of the things that they said in the book he has also said just differently. This was an ok book but I think that it would have been more interesting if it was a girl’s point of view not the guys. It would have brought my attention more then the guy. But other then that I could believe most everything that they were talking about. Some of the stuff was a little outrageous though.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Exam Part 3 & 4

This is a picture of them catching the Bastille on fire. In the top right of the picture there is smoke coming up from the building because there is a fire. Down at the bottom there are the people that are fighting with cannons and weapons. There are also people that are trying to put out the fire with water so that is why they smoke is so black.

All of these pictures all have to do with the
French Revolution. They all have guns and and
they are all fighting something. In every
picture there is horses.

Exam part 2 (pic)

This is a painting that someone drew of the Tennis Court Oath. The painting is gold and there is someone right in the middle holding up a light. Everyone that is on the side is putting there hands into the middle towards where the guy is standing. Also, in the top left and right corners there are people standing out the windows looking downward at the guy.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Exam Part 1

This is a picture of Louis XVI getting executed. There are 3 people up on the platform and one of the guys on the right is holding something over the crowd. There are people standing
there with white overalls on with three horses in the crowd. There are two bulidings in the background that have pillars in front of it. There all have there hands up in the air waiting for for Louis to get executed.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Industrail Revolutionn.

This is a picture if the Industrial Revolution.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Im changing my topic.

Ok. I am changing my topic to Child Slavery in West Africa. I am still doing a powerpoint though. I couldn't find any info on my other topic!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Global Slavery =(

I want to do child slavery in the 1800's. I am going show that by doing a powerpoint.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

First Day <33

yeah we just got done deciding what we wanted as our background. I am kinda confused.. on what to do. but i will get the hang of it!!