Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Book Portfolio

The book I read was Animal Farm written by George Orwell. This book is a fantasy. The theme of the book is not everything is equal or can be equal. This book was about two pigs Napoleon and Snowball who want to run the farm. They scare the human off of the farm. They begin to run the entire farm. They make it so that the pigs get everything and are privileged while the other pigs don’t get so much. On page 35, it tells about how the pigs aren’t equal. “Napoleon was large rather fierce-looking Berkshire boar, the only Berkshire on the farm, not much of a talker, but with reputation for getting his own way. Snowball was a more vivacious pig than Napoleon, quicker in speech and more inventive, but was not considered to have the same depth of character.” These two pigs are the ones that run the farm after the bigger pig passes away.
The pigs Napoleon and Snowball aren’t equal to the other animals. They make it so that the other animals have to tend for the pigs. The other animals would get fed up with the pigs but they would have to do it because they were the ones that were in charge. They would make it so that the pigs would get to sleep in the hay while the other pigs would have to find there own place to sleep. The pigs would also get much food which really isn’t all that fair. They wanted to build a windmill but that plan didn’t really work because Snowball peed all over the plans so they couldn’t build it. They ended up getting into a fight and leaving the farm. These pigs are wicked smart and they read books and try to teach the other animals.
The authors theme of this book really is related to life. It makes you think that people need to think more about what is going on in life. Not being equal really gets onto peoples nerves and they begin to fight. This world really isn’t all that fair or equal. Not everyone has the same rights and that makes it so that things get bad. It makes you think twice about what you really have and you should be thankful and not complaining because other people out there don’t have anything that you have.
These characters aren’t believable because pigs can’t talk or do anything like what they were doing. The owner would never make it so that the animals would have to be raised on there own. Someone would obviously have to come to the farm to raise them. Pigs can’t talk or read or do anything like that. This book was a really good book for explaining equality.

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