Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Boston Massacre

Gentlemen of the Jury, I stand here before you because Captain Preston and his men are not guilty. Captain Preston did not say "fire" when it came to the shooting. What had happened was that someone got shot and they heard a gun shot so the rest of the soldiers heard a gun shot and the rest of them shot thinking that they were suppose to fight. Several people have stated that they did not see or hear him say fire because they were so close to him. When someone shot it was there fault on why they fired because they were trained to do it and they had no choice. Many people got shot and they couldn't control it. Captain Preston never did say fire. Only one person that I know of said that he did and the rest of the people said that he didn't. So I think that he is guilty and he shouldn't get put into jail or anything. These men should go free and if we let them go then people would be mad but I believe that this is the right thing to do. If you do this then you are doing the right thing because I have many witnesses saying that he didn't say fire.

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