Thursday, June 12, 2008

Essay #4

What if the Boston Tea Party never happened? The British dumped over 300 barrels of tea over the side of the boat. The people should of been guarding the boat better because if they did then something like that didn't have to happen. The Tea Party happened in 1773 and this all happened because the colonists refused to pay to Townsend acts and wanted to protest. They didn't want to sell the tea so they had it out on the boat and the British got a hold of it and threw it off. The Boston Tea Party made people very angry because all the tea was gone and it was all in the water now.

What if they didn't dumb the tea over the edge? If they didn't do this then the war that followed afterwards would have never taken place. If the defenders of the boat were more organized and knew what was going on then this wouldn't of happen. They didn't keep their guard and they let them on. Throwing the tea over made them realize what they had done and there was nothing that they could do about it. All of the tea that they were going to sell, they never got to because they had to let them throw it over. They're was a huge fight that happened after all of this because they were angry.

This event is important today because now the defense is getting trained better and people are understanding how to control something. If they didn't throw over the tea the fight wouldn't of occurred. Today would be different because people would be more aware of what is happening and also that defense would pay attention and learn how to fight and how to protect something. This made everyone think twice about what was happening and how to fix and people had heads up.

Essay #2

War is becoming a unnecessary example of human fault. People are beginning to become way to greedy and stubborn and just keep on sending more and more people out to fight when they could be coming up with a solution on how they can actually end it. All of the wars that have happened have last like forever and they just need to learn when to end and and try to stop what is going on. Wars happen because they are fighting for something and are trying their hardest to get it, but it just takes a while to do. I think that everything that they are doing they are doing for a reason, I just wish that it wasn't taking so long for them to do it.

War I think is necessary because you are fighting to get something, I just think that it shouldn't take as long as it is doing. Some people think that fighting is a big joke and war is, but it really isn't. War has it's good and bad sides but everything they are doing is for a reason, they are fighting for the freedom of our country and are making it so much easier on people that are at home. The soldiers have to a duty that they have to fulfill and do what they gotta do to win this war.

The war that is going on in Iraq has been happening for quite some time now. I think that they need to understand what is going on and stop sending out as many people that they are because the more they are sending out the harder it is for everyone that is home, that are related to them and what is happening to them. If they came up with a conclusion and realized what what actually happening out there then it would have ended a while ago. But I have no say in these because I have no clue what happens out there, all I know is that people have been coming and going and coming back a different person then they were. The war has been going on for too long now and someone needs to stop it.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Alexander Hamilton Report

Alexander Hamilton was born on January 11, 1755 in Charleston on the West Indies island of Nevis. He was born out of wedlock to Rachel Faucitt Lavien and James Hamilton, who abandoned the family in 1765. Hamilton was so frustrated and angered Aaron Burr that he challenged Hamilton to a duel. The two men fought at Weehawken, N.J., on July 11, 1804. Hamilton had fired into the air then Burr took aim. Hamilton fell wounded and died the next day in New York. He also doesn't like Samuel Chase. He was buried in Trinity churchyard, New York City. Alexander represented the state of New York. He attended school in Elizabethtown NJ, but by 1773 he went to Kings College. He was a mature young man, who knew a lot about political issues with a working knowledge of British and American government. He was only 17 at the time that he had entered college.

When he was only 20 years old Washington recognized Hamilton's leadership abilities and his writing ability. Hamilton's military reputation won the interest of General Nathaniel Greene. General Greene introduced the young Captain to General Washington with a recommendation for advancement. He was an advisor to Washington, as well as an innovator of military designer. He designed reports on the defects and how they could be improved in the military.Hamilton was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and made his aide-de-camp on March 1, 1777. Hamilton had a four and a half year career as a military secretary. During this time his political thoughts and theories began to grow. During his education years, he founded a volunteer military company. Hamilton spent the winter of 1777-1778 with Washington and the Continental Army at Valley Forge. After the death of George Washington, the leadership of the Federalist Party became divided between John Adams and Hamilton. It was during this winter that Brigadier General Horatio Gates tried unsuccessfully to incriminate Hamilton during the Conway Cabal.

Hamilton's personal life and social position in the new nation took a decisive turn in December 1780, when he married Elizabeth Schuyler who was the daughter of a wealthy and influential General Philip Schuyler. This connection placed Hamilton in the center of New York society. In 1782, shortly after leaving the army, he was admitted to legal practice in New York and became assistant to Robert Morris, who was superintendent of finance. He spent a year in Congress from 1782-1783 and then spent time working as a lawyer in New York. Hamilton resigned at the end of January in 1795 because he realized he couldn't live off of his $3,500 salary, he returned to the practice of law.

At the Convention in Annapolis, Maryland in 1786, he made a draft of a report which ended up becoming the Constitutional Convention a year later. He also made more than half of the Federalist papers, while being an advocate for a strong central government and working towards seeing the Constitution approved. He became an important member of the first Cabinet of the first President as the first Secretary of the Treasury in 1789-1795. The people that were involved in the cabinet are President Washington, Secretary of War Henry Knox, Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson, and Attorney General Edmund Randolph. The financial situation of the country after the Revolution was the primary problem facing the new nation, and Hamilton developed the "Hamiltonian system". He became a leader in the Federalist Party.

The Democrat-Republican Party, more commonly known as the "Republicans", were their opponents, which was led by Thomas Jefferson. After this, Hamilton's career was not very famous. Hamilton was guilty of telling the Cabinet secrets to Major George Beckwith from Britain. Hamilton was very misleading and dishonorable in his dealings with other government officials, discrediting some of his contemporaries in order to see that his plans, ideas and policies were successful. The ideas of other visionaries like Thomas Jefferson were doomed to failure as a result. Other people involved in the affair were Senator William Samuel Johnson of Connecticut and Philip Schuyler, Hamilton's father-in-law from New York. James Madison, John Jay and Alexander Hamilton wrote the Federalist essays.

Personally, I think that he does deserve recognition for everything that he accomplished. He founded something was actually worked and was worth finding. He designed reports on the defects and how they could be improved in the military. His leadership was recognized so that obviously meant something and he was a good leader. He was seventeen years old and was already have a successful life and knew exactly what he wanted to do and how he was going to do it, and he did it. He made a slip up and told the Cabinet a secret that he knew that he wasn't suppose to tell anyone and soon people lost trust for him. He resigned because of the money but while he was in it he made good judgements and good things to benefit the positions that he was in. He was in many positions and in each position he did what he was suppose to do and knew exactly what he was doing and how everything was going to play out. I believe that he deserves recognition because he did his job and did what he was suppose to do and didn't have a problem with any of it.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Nickel and Dimed- Book Portfolio

I. Introduction
A. Nickel and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich, 2001
B. Barbara wonders if single mothers with Welfare, depend on what they can make at low-wage jobs if they will be able to survive financially. To answer this question, she decides to survive on low wages in three cities in America.
C. You never realize what you have until it's gone.
D. This theme is important because once you have something you don't realize what it actually is until it's gone. You begin to realize that you like it and it's what you want.

II. You never realize what you have until it's gone.
A. You never realize that you have until it's gone.
B. Barbara works at a hotel and doesn't get much money at all.
C. She tries to work at two different restaurants but still doesn't get much money at all.
D. She couldn't find any housing so she moves into a hotel and lives there.
E. If you have something good and then you let it go, you wish that you have what you had back.

III. You never realize what you have until it's gone.
A. Often times in history you don't value what you have until you don't have it anymore and it's gone.
B. They used to have so much oil in the past and they would just give it away and now you have to pay so much to get it.
C. In the past, everything was so easy to get and now you have to work for it and actually try to earn it.
D. In the past you used to have so many trout and now we don't have very many because they can't survive in the water pollution.
E. You also wish that you had something back no matter where you are or what year you are in it just always happens when you don't want it, and sometimes you can't get it back

IV. Conclusion
A. You never realize what you have until it's gone.
B. If you have something good and then you let it go, you wish that you have what you had back.
C. You also wish that you had something back no matter where you are or what year you are in it just always happens when you don't want it, and sometimes you can't get it back
D. Barbara did a good job of showing the theme but I think that she could of done it a different way.
E. You need to understand what this theme is because it's going to happen to us all the time and you want to rethink something before its gone and you can't get it back.

In the book Nickel and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich which was published in 2001, Barbara wonders if single mothers with Welfare, depend on what they can make at low-wage jobs if they will be able to survive financially. To answer this question, she decides to survive on low wages in three cities in America. The theme of this book is you never realize what you have until it's gone. This theme is important because once you have something you don't realize what it actually is until it's gone. You begin to realize that you like it and it's what you want.

Barbara works at a hotel and doesn't get much money at all. She tries to work at two different restaurants but still doesn't get much money at all. She couldn't find any housing so she moves into a hotel and lives there. She tried really hard to try and get a job but it wouldn't work and it was very hard for her. If you have something good and then you let it go, you wish that you have what you had back.

Often times in history you don't value what you have until you don't have it anymore and it's gone. They used to have so much oil in the past and they would just give it away and now you have to pay so much to get it. In the past, everything was so easy to get and now you have to work for it and actually try to earn it. In the past you used to have so many trout and now we don't have very many because they can't survive in the water pollution. You also wish that you had something back no matter where you are or what year you are in it just always happens when you don't want it, and sometimes you can't get it back

You never realize what you have until it's gone. If you have something good and then you let it go, you wish that you have what you had back. You also wish that you had something back no matter where you are or what year you are in it just always happens when you don't want it, and sometimes you can't get it back. Barbara did a good job of showing the theme but I think that she could of done it a different way. You need to understand what this theme is because it's going to happen to us all the time and you want to rethink something before its gone and you can't get it back.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Valley Forge Letter

February 18th 1777

Dear Melinda,

War has been so hard and we haven’t won a battle yet. Just thinking that we haven’t won anything makes me feel like we can’t do anything and it is a waste of time. I have to sleep in a 12 men hut that is 16 by 14 feet long with walls that are 6 and a half feet high. It is so uncomfortable and I barely get sleep at night. Transportation is so horrible. The roads are horrible to get around and it is very difficult to recruit Wagoner’s. Quartermaster General Thomas Mifflin who is in charge of out transportation hates his job. Mifflin was a very wealthy Philadelphia merchant who wanted to be on the battlefield not as the head of transportation. He would ignore his job which did no good for us.

It is so cold here and it is so hard to keep warm and to keep my mind on what is going on knowing that you and the baby are home without me there but this is what I’m suppose to be doing for my country. The temperature has been around 20 and 30. We have had 13 days of rain during the first 2 weeks that we got here, it is nothing like California. Things began to improve, we started to get wagons full of clothing of food and they started a baking company that was gingerbread. We would cook our good over a fire normally. No one knew how to march or walk on the battlefield so that was very hard for us to work with. Orders stopping gambling, fighting, selling Army equipment and wandering away from the site was ignored.

Everything started to change once Baron von Steuben arrived. He served in the Prussian Army of Fredrick but only made it as a captain. He was a very good leader and knew what he was doing. We all loved his manner and his cursing in broken English and his hands on style of demonstrating every move personally. He wanted the officers to drill with their men. So many men tried to take charge that weren't suppose to and it was getting on my nerves.

This war so far has had it's up and downs and I just wanted you to know that I can't stop thinking about you and Abby. I hope that you are doing very well and I can't wait to see you and hopefully I will be back very soon. I love you.

Love forever,
James Pedone

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Common Sense Essay

1. Explain what right the colonies have to rebel against Britain
2. Detailed reasons why the colonies should rebel
3. What do you (as historical writer in 1776) see as the future in America

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Boston Massacre

Gentlemen of the Jury, I stand here before you because Captain Preston and his men are not guilty. Captain Preston did not say "fire" when it came to the shooting. What had happened was that someone got shot and they heard a gun shot so the rest of the soldiers heard a gun shot and the rest of them shot thinking that they were suppose to fight. Several people have stated that they did not see or hear him say fire because they were so close to him. When someone shot it was there fault on why they fired because they were trained to do it and they had no choice. Many people got shot and they couldn't control it. Captain Preston never did say fire. Only one person that I know of said that he did and the rest of the people said that he didn't. So I think that he is guilty and he shouldn't get put into jail or anything. These men should go free and if we let them go then people would be mad but I believe that this is the right thing to do. If you do this then you are doing the right thing because I have many witnesses saying that he didn't say fire.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Revolution and War Notes

Battle of York Town

1763—Proclamation Act
It was a imaginary line that seperated the Native Americans land from the colonists land.

1764—Grenville Acts (direct tax)
These taxes were the result of a strategy by Grenville to make him more popular in Britian by lowering the taxes.

Sugar (molasses, wine)

Virtual/ Direct Representation

1765—Stamp Act Congress

The act required colonists to pay a little extra for legal documents, diplomas, almanacs, broadsides, newspapers and playing cards.

1766—Declaratory Act

The Declaratory act made is so that parliament had full power to make laws in any case they wanted.

1767—Townsend Acts (indirect tax)

The townsend act was named after Charles Townsend. These laws placed new taxes on glass, lead, paints, paper, and tea.

  • Charles Townsend
  • Writs of Assistance (search warrants)
  • Revenue used to pay Royal officials in the colonie
  • Tea Act (glass, paper, paint) support British East India Company

1770—Boston Massacre

The Boston Massacre only killed 5 people but it got so famous just to get at the king. It was a fight between Britian and the colonists.

  • March 5, 1770
  • Local reaction (primarily)
  • 5 dead colonists
  • John Adams defends British soldiers/5 exonerated-2 convicted
  • Convicted men discharged and thumbs branded

1773—Boston Tea Party

The Boston Tea Party was where they dumped 342 crates into the water in response to a parliamentary act which had restrictions on the purchase of tea in the colonies.

  • November 30, 1773--Dartmouth sails into Boston Harbor
  • December 16, 1773--Tea dumped into harbor
  • 340 chests of tea dumped (value of 10,000 British pounds)

1774—Intolerable Acts (Coercive Acts in Britain)

The Intolerable Acts was an American label for the laws sponsored by Lord North's ministry and enacted by the British Parliament in 1774 in response to the Boston Tea Party.

  • Close the port of Boston
  • Shut down Provincial and Town Governments
  • All offices appointed
  • Named General Thomas Gage as Governor
  • Gave all western lands north of the Ohio R. to Quebec, allowed Catholic Church to practice

1774—1st Continental Congress

The First Continental Congress brought together representatives from each of the colonies, except for Georgia, to discuss what they thought of the British Intolerable Acts.

1775— January

  • William Pitt urges Parliament to withdraw troops from America because the idea of managing the colonies through force was “too ridiculous to take up a moment of your lordships’ time

1775—April 19 Lexington and Concord

This was the battle of Lexington and Concord. The British wanted to march to Concord because the Americans had stockpiled weapons there. There was a shot heard around the world.

  • Gen. Gage sends 700 men to Concord to seize the powder supplies
  • Paul Revere and William Dawes raise alarm the night before
  • Town of Lexington is on the way to Concord
  • Minutemen are assembled on the town common
  • Shot heard round the world”

18 colonials killed and the rest run away

  • British march on to Concord and find the munitions were moved overnight
  • Minutemen ambush the British the whole way back to Boston
  • 430 Redcoats make it back to Boston
  • 30,000 Colonists surround Boston

  • Gen. Howe, Gen. Clinton, Gen. Burgoyne
  • 5,000 British troops
  • Ethan Allen, “Green Mountain Boys” seize Fort Ticonderoga
  • Henry Knox uses canon to lay siege on Boston
  • Benedict Arnold (Connecticut) takes Fort Crown Point to impede an invasion from Canada

1775—May 10, 2nd Continental Congress

The Congress met to talk about the past two battles. Another thing the Congress discussed was if they were going to print paper money.

  • Sam Adams pushes for Independent
  • John Dickenson (Penn.) urges restraint
  • Agree to form Colonial Army
  • Delegates unanimously agree to Washington as Commander of Continental Army (John Adams suggestion)

1775—June 17, “Battle of Bunker Hill”

The major part of the engagement was actually fought on Breed's Hill nearby. The place for this battle was in Charlestown, Massachusetts across the Charles River from Boston.

  • Actually fought on Breed’s Hill
  • Gen. Howe leads assault without canon support (his canon had been matched with wrong-sized cannonballs [Amherst at Ticonderoga])
  • Militia waited to within 30 yards (some say 15 yards)
  • Militia target British officers
  • Militia ran extremely low on ammunition
  • On the third assault, led by Gen. Howe, British troops overtake the colonial position
  • Britain losses almost 1000 men (about half the attacking force)
  • Colonials lose about 500 men

1776—January, Common Sense

It challenged the authority of the British government and the royal monarchy.

  • Gen. William Howe evacuates Boston
  • July 2, lands in Staten Island, New York (Loyalist base)

1776—Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence is the nation's most cherished symbol of liberty and Jefferson's most enduring monument.

  • June 7, Richard Henry Lee (Virginia) introduces legislation to declare independence from Britain
  • Before voting on Lee’s proposal Congress appoints five-man committee to draft a formal Declaration of Independence (Thomas Jefferson, 33, does most of the writing)
  • June 28, Declaration presented to Congress
  • July 2, Congress approves Lee’s legislation to declare the United States of America independent of Great Britain
  • July 4, Congress officially adopts the Declaration of Independence

The Declaration intended to:

  1. Undermine loyalty to King George III
  2. Outline basic principles of representative government
  3. Establish the “right” of rebellion

1776—August, Brooklyn Heights, New York

  1. Largest Naval group Britain will launch until the 20th century
  2. British victory, city falls to England
  3. As winter came “sunshine patriots” left the American Army
  4. Initial colonial enlistments due to expire
1776—December, Battle of Trenton
It was a crucial victory for the Amercian forces in the American Revolution.

  • Howe believes war almost won
  • 1,400 Hessians stationed at Trenton
  • Colonel Rall (Hessian) builds no fortifications
  • Washington “Crosses the Delaware” Christmas night
  • 2,500 men; 18 artillery guns
  • Surprise attack at dawn
  • 106 Hessians killed, 918 capture
  • No colonial casualties
  • Washington retreats in secret to avoid Gen. Cornwallis counter-a

1777—January, Princeton

During the Revolutionary War about 200 British troops took refuge in Nassau Hall after being repelled by Washinton's troops on Princeton Battlefield, there miles south of the campus.

  • Washington ambushes British troops
  • Colonial victory establishes this will not be a quick war for Britain

1777—September-October, Saratoga

The battles of Saratoga were decisive American victories resulting in the surrender of an entire British army of 9.000 men invading New York from Canada during the Revolutionmary War.

  • Gen. Burgoyne plans a three-prong attack on colonials at Albany
  • Plan does not consider the terrain, forcing British troops to march through swamps, lakes, hills and forests full of rebels
  • Two of the three “prongs” never arrive (Howe goes to Philadelphia instead, St. Leger retreats to New York afraid of Benedict Arnold)
  • Sept. Burgoyne crosses Hudson River
  • Oct. 17, Burgoyne surrenders
  • Establishes American Army as real threat
  • Helps secure open French Alliance
  • Turning Point of the War
  • 1777-1778—Winter at Valley Forge

Under-funded troops

  • Low morale
  • 10,000+ troops
  • 4,000 troops listed as “unfit for duty” due to poor supplies (boots, blankets, coats, etc.)
  • 2,500 troops die of disease (typhus, typhoid fever, dysentery, pneumonia)
  • George Washington mentioned a lack of shoes so severe that the men's "marches might be tracked by the blood from their feet”
  • Local farmers would sell produce to Brits who could pay cash
1779—February, Vincennes

1780—August, Camden

1780—October, Kings Mountain

1781—October, Yorktown

1783—Sept. 3, Treaty of Paris

  • Britain recognizes American independence
  • America gets all land from Atlantic coast to Miss. River, Great Lakes to Florida
  • Fishing rights to the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and off the coast of Newfoundland
  • America must pay debts to Britain
  • American congress would “earnestly recommend” all Loyalist property returned (States ignore this request)

Monday, March 24, 2008

Book Portfolio #3

I. Introduction
A. As the future catches you, Juan Enriquez, 2001
B. How the world is changing all around us, and how we can use it.
C. Education is the most important thing to our generation
D. With out education, it's going to be really hard to have a successful career.

II. Education effects you
A. The most important thing is education during these years
B. Countries economic problems
C. People that are going to be left behind.
D. Knowledge is power
E. Why everything is happening around you, the way it is.

III. Revolution is trendy
A. Revolution is bound to happen
B. Governmental revolution
C. Industrial revolution
D. Technology revolution
E. The next step

IV. Conclusion
A. You can keep up, with ambition
B. Without Education, you'll be nothing
C. Change is happening
D. Explanation of why education is so vital
E. Huge importance in getting an education.

In the book As the Future Catches You written by Juan Enrique published in 2001 talks about how the world is changing around us and how we use it. The them of this book is how education is the most important thing in our generation. Without education it will be very hard to have a successful career. The money is not in computer programming anymore all of that has been, and anything along those. You have to keep your head up on what is going on in your society.

The most important thing is education during our years. Higher paying jobs are becoming harder to find in America. Education is a big play in our world. People are becoming left behind and aren't getting the same education as others are. The other countries are struggling to keep up with America. This all is going to happen very quickly. Knowledge these days are very important. It is very powerful . We are going through big changes and we are learning about them as we go along in our education. Life changes everyday in every way and sometimes we rarely know it.

Revolution is done whenever you need a change. The french revolution has to do with this. Whenever someone wants something to happen it usually does happen. The industrial revolution has changed many people lives. It changed the way teachers would teach there kids and it changed many people's lifestyles. People went from working on a farm to working to something very much better. People are now realizing that technology is a better way to be doings things. The way things people doing stuff are now going to be doing it through technology other then doing it some other way by like writing it all out. It's easier to train someone on a computer then it is any other way.

The future is changing around up slowly but surely. Education is a big part in how it is changing and it is going to be difficult to change the way people are learning things. You should have to have to the best education to make it so that you can have a better job and a living space. This is something that is going to help you get into the world and be ready for all of the changes that are coming. This book taught me about what is happening and how it is happening. It was very informative and has me thinking about the future.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Exam 2

I. Introduction
A. The founding of English colonies in modern Massachusetts combined a strange mix of idealism and violence.
B. Preview first major point (without support) [Miles Standish contributed important protection to the early colonies by using violence.]
C. Preview second major point (without support) [ Benjamin Church provided vital leadership to protect the colonies during King Philip's War.]
D. Preview third major point (without support) [Despite all of this violence, the colonies were also founded on religious idealism.]
E. Significance of Thesis [It is important to understand the full history of these areas because this is what Americans generally consider to be our nation's beginning.]

II. First Major Point
A. Statement of position (or point)
B. Detail of support
C. Detail of Support
D. Detail of Support
E. Significance of position (how it relates to thesis?)

III. Second Major Point
A. Statement of position (or point)
B. Detail of support
C. Detail of Support
D. Detail of Support
E. Significance of position (how it relates to thesis?)

IV. Third Major Point
A. Statement of position (or point)
B. Detail of support
C. Detail of Support
D. Detail of Support
E. Significance of position (how it relates to thesis?)

V. Conclusion
A. Restate thesis (not re-write)
Restate significance of first position
C. Restate significance of second position
D. Restate significance of third position
E. Summary of paper (why is it important)

The founding of English colonies in modern Massachusetts combined a strange mix of idealism and violence. Miles Standish contributed important protection to the early colonies by using violence. Benjamin Church provided vital leadership to protect the colonies during King Philip's War. Despite all of this violence, the colonies were also founded on religious idealism. It is important to understand the full history of these areas because this is what Americans generally consider to be our nation's beginning.
Miles Standish contributed important protection to the early colonies by using violence. Miles rushed into Witwomat's wigwom and tried to attack them and had scared them so bad that they tried to jump through the walls. Miles took his knife and killed him and placed him head on the walls of Plymouth. He hung Witwomat's brother. Miles Standish was a bad guy and put a lot of people in danger and killed many.
Benjamin Church provided vital leadership to protect the colonies during King Philip's War. Church and his six men tried to attack the sixty other men and captured them. He made up the plan to kill King Phillip. In two months Church had brought in a total of seven hundred Indians. Benjamin was a good leader and did what he did very good. He did very good on protecting the colony.
Despite all of this violence, the colonies were also founded on religious idealism. The pilgrims came here to find land and a place for them to plant their crops. They also came here so that they could have a place to pray and not to be prosecuted. The Puritans were strong believers in education. This makes it so that the pilgrims we
re finally free and had somewhere to go.
The founding of English colonies in Massachusetts had a strange mix of idealism and violence. Miles Standish killed many people and he had used violence in a weird unique way. Benjamin Church was a good leader and knew exactly what he had to do. There was a lot of idealism when it came to religion. This is important because it gives you a understanding of what it all means and what it was like when all of this went on. It makes you think differently about what is happening.

Thursday, February 14, 2008


They are gentle, loving, faithful, lacking in all guile and trickery. The words denoting lying, deceit, greed, envy, slander, and forgiveness have never been heard. They have no jealousy, no sense of possession.--John Smith (character)

Forgiveness and gentle.

We shall make a new start. A fresh beginning. Here the blessings of the earth are bestowed upon all. None need grow poor. Here there is good ground for all, and no cost but one's labor. We shall build a true common wealth, hard work and self reliance our virtues. We shall have no landlords to rack us with high rents or extort the fruit of our labor. --John Smith (character)

Wealth and the new beginning.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Wounded Knee Essay

I. Introduction

A. Wounded knee shows one of the final events in a long series of violent conflicts that happened because of rasicsm, disrespect and little understanding.

B. In Wounded knee a lot of people were killed and that shows violence.

C. The indians weren't cared for enough and the monument told us that.

D. The paragraph tells about certain dates on what was happening during that time.

E. It gave you a better understanding on what Wounded Knee was all about.

II. Body

A. Wounded knee shows one of the final events in a long series of violent conflicts that happened because of rasicsm, disrespect and little understanding.

B. They would destroy families.

C. The people wouldn't care about what the indians were doing. They weren't well knowned.

D. Big Foot was a big threat to them and they would try to capture him but would get caught evertime they would try.

E. They are important because it makes you have a better understanding on what is happening during that time frame.

III. Conclusion
A. Wounded knee shows one of the final events in a long series of violent conflicts that happened because of rasicsm, disrespect and little understanding.

B. I learned that people would get killed over anything and they would get tricked into doing something and in the end they would just end up getting shot at which really isnt that good to be doing especially to little kids. They don't know what is going on so they listen to what they bad people were saying.

C. I learned that they didn't really understand people and they weren't cared for like everyone else was. It was like they didn't even exist.

D. I learned that the
U.S. Army has tried to blame the massacre on the Sioux, it was in actually caused by the actions of the 7th Cavalry, whose members were good on getting even for Custer's defeat at the Battle of the Little Bighorn horn 1876.

E. Everything happens for a reason but what happens in the end isn't always what you want to happen. It could be bad or it could be good.


Wounded knee shows one of the final events in a long series of violent conflicts that happened because of rasicsm, disrespect and little understanding. In Wounded knee a lot of people were killed and that shows violence. Which helps you better understand the violence that went on during this time. The indians weren't cared for enough and the monument told us that. They weren't as well known as the other people from the time period were. The paragraph tells about certain dates on what was happening during that time. It gave you a better understanding on what Wounded Knee was all about and what time periods it happened in and on what date.

Wounded knee shows one of the final events in a long series of violent conflicts that happened because of rasicsm, disrespect and little understanding.They would destroy families. The people wouldn't care about what the indians were doing. They weren't well knowned. Big Foot was a big threat to them and they would try to capture him but would get caught evertime they would try. They are important because it makes you have a better understanding on what is happening during that time frame.

Wounded knee shows one of the final events in a long series of violent conflicts that happened because of rasicsm, disrespect and little understanding. I learned that people would get killed over anything and they would get tricked into doing something and in the end they would just end up getting shot at which really isnt that good to be doing especially to little kids. They don't know what is going on so they listen to what they bad people were saying. I learned that they didn't really understand people and they weren't cared for like everyone else was. It was like they didn't even exist. I learned that the U.S. Army has tried to blame the massacre on the Sioux, it was in actually caused by the actions of the 7th Cavalry, whose members were good on getting even for Custer's defeat at the Battle of the Little Bighorn horn 1876. Everything happens for a reason but what happens in the end isn't always what you want to happen. It could be bad or it could be good.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Book Portfolio

The book I read was Animal Farm written by George Orwell. This book is a fantasy. The theme of the book is not everything is equal or can be equal. This book was about two pigs Napoleon and Snowball who want to run the farm. They scare the human off of the farm. They begin to run the entire farm. They make it so that the pigs get everything and are privileged while the other pigs don’t get so much. On page 35, it tells about how the pigs aren’t equal. “Napoleon was large rather fierce-looking Berkshire boar, the only Berkshire on the farm, not much of a talker, but with reputation for getting his own way. Snowball was a more vivacious pig than Napoleon, quicker in speech and more inventive, but was not considered to have the same depth of character.” These two pigs are the ones that run the farm after the bigger pig passes away.
The pigs Napoleon and Snowball aren’t equal to the other animals. They make it so that the other animals have to tend for the pigs. The other animals would get fed up with the pigs but they would have to do it because they were the ones that were in charge. They would make it so that the pigs would get to sleep in the hay while the other pigs would have to find there own place to sleep. The pigs would also get much food which really isn’t all that fair. They wanted to build a windmill but that plan didn’t really work because Snowball peed all over the plans so they couldn’t build it. They ended up getting into a fight and leaving the farm. These pigs are wicked smart and they read books and try to teach the other animals.
The authors theme of this book really is related to life. It makes you think that people need to think more about what is going on in life. Not being equal really gets onto peoples nerves and they begin to fight. This world really isn’t all that fair or equal. Not everyone has the same rights and that makes it so that things get bad. It makes you think twice about what you really have and you should be thankful and not complaining because other people out there don’t have anything that you have.
These characters aren’t believable because pigs can’t talk or do anything like what they were doing. The owner would never make it so that the animals would have to be raised on there own. Someone would obviously have to come to the farm to raise them. Pigs can’t talk or read or do anything like that. This book was a really good book for explaining equality.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Research-- Bears One Stop


Nicole Pedone
English- Miss. Lind
History- Mr. Viles
January 4, 2008
Period 5 and 7

I. Introduction
II. Products
III. Location for Snowmobilers and four wheelers
IV. Major Event
1. Robbed
2. Snow storm
V. Conclusion

Bears One Stop has been around for quite some time. They opened in 1995. They are located at 80 Moosehead Trail, Newport Maine. I was only 3 years old by then, and I moved here 3 years ago to Newport. I have only lived here for a couple of years so I really don’t know what there is around here. Reopened as Bears One Stop in 1991, it used to be called Floods.
I notice that when I’m driving to Nokomis or anywhere else that I always see Bears One Stop full all the time, with either people getting gas or just grabbing a bite to eat, or just running in to get some lunch meat they are always there to help you.
They have a full line of products. Deliveries come everyday for different items. They also have a fresh bakery. Meat, groceries, gas, beer are all sold are Bears One Stop. Bears One Stop made renovations to the inside of the store in 1992. I know that Bears One Stop was called Floods a while back and when the new owners bought Floods they named it One Bears Stop. They are also convenient for snowmobiles and four wheelers for filling up with gas because there is a trail that leads right to the store.
The owner of the store is Jeffrey Amoroso and there are currently 22 people that work there. There annual sales are $2,600,000 a year. They are a grocery store and a gas station. They are usually open until 9 at night, and open Monday through Sunday.
Nothing major has happened since this store has opened. The only big thing that has happened was the bas ice storm in 1998. Bears One Stop was robbed 3 or 4 times said Derek Amoroso of Newport, Maine son of the owner of the store.
There biggest robbery was when his dad had to go in with a gun and the police thought that he was the one that was robbing and told him the next time he shouldn’t go in until we arrived. That was pretty much the only big thing that has happened.
Bears One Stop is usually busy during the summer due to the travelers that come up to Maine. They don’t have any more openings for the store for you to get a job and they have everyone that they need. They have a deli selection.
According to Shylo Lesperance, from St. Albans age 16 has said, “They have unbelievable steaks.” So as you can tell many people like the steaks from Bears One Stop.
People that are on four wheelers and snowmobilers have it very easy to get gas because it is located on the Moosehead trail.
Snowmobiler Becky Wolinski from Newport Maine age 15 said, When she is snowmobiling she likes it because you can stop and get a bite to eat if your hungry and you can fill up on gas when it’s needed.
If you ask someone if they know where Bears One Stop is they would realize where it is because it is a well known place. Bears One stop also has Sears located right by it and connected to it is the hardware store. Across the street there is a bank.
Bears One Stop is a very good place to grab a bite and eat when you’re in a hurry. It is a very organized store and someone is always there to help you when you need it. They are always stocking up so they always have what you need.
They have delicious deli products. The people that work there are patient and are kind and friendly to the people that go into the store. They are usually busy during the summer.
Whenever you need something just stop into Bears and they will help you with whatever you need no matter what it is they usually have it in the store.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Local History- One Bears Stop

Bears One Stop-------Floods

J & M A Corp (Bears One Stop)
80 Moosehead Trail, Newport, ME 04953, United States
Phone: (207) 368-2230
Also Does Business As: Bears One Stop
SIC: Grocery Stores
Line of Business: Ret Groceries
Detailed J & M A Corp Company Profile
This company profile is for the private company J & M A Corp, located in Newport, ME. Bears
Bears One Stop's line of business is ret groceries.
Company Profile: J & M A Corp
Year Started: 1995
State of Incorporation: N/A
Location Type: Single Location
Stock Symbol: N/A
Stock Exchange: N/A
Also Does Business As: Bears One Stop
SIC #Code: 5411
Est. Annual Sales: $2,600,000
Est. Employees: 22
Est. Employees at Location: 22
Contact Name: Jeffrey Amoroso
Contact Title: President

I haven't been able to set up an interview at the moment because everytime that I call no one answers and I would have to find a ride to get to the place. I would have to set up and appointment with him as soon as possible.